Sunday, June 28, 2009

Piglen Tiny Baby

When my niece then age 3 found out I was going to have a baby she named the baby "Piglen Tiny Baby". Throughout my pregnancy we called the baby that. I thought it was so stinking cute. Last night around midnight I received a text message from DH that said "Piglen Tiny Baby". It just brought a smile to my face. It also tugged at my heart as well though. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten about that name. I don't really think I had forgotten it just wasn't using it anymore. I know that if someone came up to me and asked what we called Brody in utero I would have remembered. Anyway here is Piglen Tiny Baby now 19mo old.


  1. That's cute.... I wonder where she got that name from... Piglen tiny baby. Can you believe how FAST they grow??!!!

  2. Amy there is no telling where she got it from. It was the cutest thing ever though. It is so bittersweet him growing up. I cant believe he is already 19mo :(

  3. I hear ya...mine turned 22 months today!! :(


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